Free Trade Is Green Trade
Environmentalist objections to trade and proposals for the “greening” of trade are a fundamental assault on free trade principles. They also threaten environmental quality. Free…
The Risks of Risk Regulation
Portions of the following are adapted from “Deadly Fallout of Too Many Rules” and “Regulated…Out of this World” in the Washington Times, June 2 and…
The Forest Service Plays With Fire: Riggs/Simmons Op-Ed in OC Register
Published in the Orange County Register May 21, 2000<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> Do…
Stock Market Roulette or Fiscal Snobbery?
One of the great debates of our time is whether it is possible for America to become a shareholder democracy, in which all workers can own assets and…
EPA’s Gas Price Contribution
Last December, when the Environmental Protection Agency announced a tough new standard for sulfur content in gasoline, few seemed concerned that the supposedly cleaner-burning fuel…
Global Warming Petition Project (Letter to the Editor)
To THE EDITORS: John B. Judis attacks as “patently false” the statement in our radio ads that “thousands of scientists agree that there’s no solid…