Don’t be too Quick to Condemn Lifesaving Pesticides (Letter to the Editor)
Dear Editor: People certainly should be concerned about the declining lobster population in New York, (“A deadly mosquito cure,” Aug. 1) But we should not…
Internet, EPA and Terrorism? Logomasini Op-Ed in Washington Times
You know things are seriously wrong when taxpayers underwrite the costs of collecting and disseminating information that will Published in the Washington…
Lieberman Makes Good Republican: Kemp Op-Ed in Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Published in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer Published in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer August 16, 2000 A couple of weeks ago in this…
Is Your Washer Politically Incorrect
The federal government thinks your clothes washer is contributing to global warming and is going to make you do something about it. Over the past few…
Republicans Reclaiming Blacks: Kemp Op-Ed in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer
…And The Party Is Doing It By Reclaiming The Legacy The Legacy of Abraham Lincoln …And The Party Is Doing It By…
Blood Supply Besieged: Logomasini Op-Ed in Washington Times
Published in the Washington Times Published in the Washington Times August 10, 2000 In a recent letter to the…