There Is No ‘Deal’ to Reauthorize Ex-Im

I am bemused by Senator Cruz’s volte-face on trade-promotion authority. There is no deal to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank (which CEI, like Veronique, has been resolute in opposing — see Ryan Young’s series on reasons to oppose reauthorization). The “deal” is simply that people like Senators Cantwell and Kirk and anyone else who likes Ex-Im can exert their rights under the rules of the Senate and offer an amendment on an amendable vehicle. That’s the extent of the so-called “deal.” No promise to reauthorize, just regular order. I for one was glad when the Senate returned to regular order under Senator McConnell’s leadership and it would be perverse to demand Reid-like management now. Trade-promotion authority needs to pass and the Ex-Im Bank needs to be voted down. There is no need to predicate one on the other.
Indeed, if you are concerned about state-run enterprises and crony corporatism, then TPA may be the best weapon we have against them globally, as Tim Carney has pointed out.