CEI Joins Coalition Letter in Opposition of Fair Fees Amendment in FAA
View Full Document as PDF The Honorable John Thune Chairman Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Dear Chairman Thune:…
Testimony of Ryan Radia: The Need for U.S. Leadership on Digital Trade
Chairman Paulsen, Ranking Member Heinrich, and Members of the Committee, thank you for giving me the opportunity to testify before you today. My name is…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Supporting the Inclusion of Language Requiring Congressional Approval of Tariffs
As conferees for the fiscal year 2019 Energy and Water, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act (H.R.5895), we encourage you…
CEI Joins NTU Coalition Letter in Support of House Judiciary Committee’s Wayfair Hearing
On behalf of the millions of citizens represented by the undersigned organizations, we commend you for holding a hearing to address the critical issue of…
Testimony of Jessica Melugin on the Supreme Court’s Wayfair Decision for the House Judiciary Committee
Thank you for the opportunity to submit testimony. I am Jessica Melugin, Associate Director of the Center for Technology and Innovation and the Competitive Enterprise…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter in Support of Rep. McHenry’s Amendment in FSGG Appropriations
On behalf of our organizations and the Americans we represent, we write to express support of your Amendment to Division B, within the Financial Services…