Exploring Wind Insurance as a Pilot Program
A pilot federal program could cost taxpayers more than a larger program while destabilizing the National Flood Insurance Program…
Public Stem Cell Research Funding
The best way to make progress in stem cell research is to allow the private sector to grow, unimpeded by regulation and controversy.
Airline Deregulation
If the government deregulates the grid and transitions toward a market solution, the benefits of flow deregulation will increase, and costs for air travelers will…
FDA’s Bad Medicine
How the dispersed knowledge problem affects drug safety analysis and how markets and technology will help patients…
North Carolina’s Unfair Auto Insurance System
North Carolina’s government-controlled auto insurance subsidizes risky and dangerous drivers by overcharging good driver…
Reforming the National Flood Insurance Program after 35 Years of Failure
It is time to rethink a federal program that has caused much harm.