Learning from the Past, Freeing up the Future: The Political Economy of Regulatory Change
MCOOL and the Politics of Country-of-Origin Labeling
The Mandatory Country-of-Origin Label (MCOOL) for beef and pork products was brought into force by the United States in 2008. It imposes uneven tracking, segregating,…
Markets and the Environment: A Critical Reappraisal
The nature of the environmental problem perhaps is best addressed by reviewing the economic problem. The basic economic problem is scarcity. Demands are unlimited…
A Free-Market Environmental Program
The Soviet Union should not adopt the U.S. approach to protecting the environment. The fact that the United States has a superior environment has far…
Reining in America’s Regulatory Leviathan: America Gets a Second Chance
Liberate to Stimulate Index We at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) have spent 26 years raising the saliency of regulations on our…