USA Today
Quit Paris Climate Treaty: Opposing View
President Trump’s advisers are debating recommendations on the Paris climate treaty. Reported arguments for staying in it appear to be no more than rationalizations to…
Daily Caller
Libertarian Think Tank Urges Trump To Withdraw From The Paris Climate Agreement
The Daily Caller speaks with CEI’s energy and environment experts on why President Trump should withdraw from the Paris Climate Treaty. The battle…
White House Floats Excuses to Break Trump’s Promise to Cancel Paris Climate Treaty
This week, White House senior advisers will meet to discuss the future of U.S. involvement in the Paris Climate Treaty.
Washington Examiner
Watchdog calls on Trump to fulfill Obama-era FOIA requests
The Washington Examiner reports on CEI urging President Trump to release documents sought under the Freedom of Information Act, and discusses the issues with Chris…
Trump Should Keep Promise, Withdraw U.S. from Paris Climate Treaty
President Trump should keep his campaign promise and rescind or otherwise withdraw the United States from President Obama’s purported commitment to the Paris climate pact…
The Washington Times
Nixing the Paris climate pact
Recent media reports suggest a conflict within the Trump White House over whether to keep the president’s campaign promise “to cancel the Paris Climate Agreement,”…