Government watchdog: States like Illinois must be more accountable for infrastructure maintenance discusses the effect of the Trump Administration’s infrastructure plan and cites Marc Scribner’s work: Any federal infrastructure funding plan needs to…
Self-Driving Cars Will Make Most Auto Safety Regulations Unnecessary
Reason quoted Marc Scribner on the necessity of pragmatism which should be utilized to expedite the implementation of self-driving cars before federal auto regulators idealistic…
Rep. Dave Brat’s Pro-Competitive Free to Fly Act Is a First Step in the Right Direction
The Free to Fly Act would eliminate a generations-old anti-competitive federal law governing domestic airline ownership.
Trump’s Plan Does Nothing for America’s Real Infrastructure Problem
Vox’s Matthew Yglesias cites Marc Scribner’s blog analysis of the Trump administration’s infrastructure proposals: Infrastructure is a big, complicated subject that…
The Wall Street Journal
Private Jet-Setters Against Better Air Travel
The Wall Street Journal cites Marc Scribner in discussing potential roadblocks to air traffic reform: President Trump’s 2019 budget proposal again includes a…
Trump’s Infrastructure Plan: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
This morning, the White House released its long-anticipated, 53-page infrastructure proposal. It is an expansion of the leaked six-page summary that I commented…