Roll Call
Whiplashed Planners Fear GOP Swerve on Infrastructure
Roll Call discusses private activity bonds with Marc Scribner. Los Angeles has gained national notice for a series of ambitious projects affecting all facets…
Study Bag
Politico’s Morning Transportation covers the release of Modernizing Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards by Marc Scribner. Take a gander at a new…
Old Standards Holding Back Auto Safety Advancement
Law360 covers the release of Modernizing Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards by Marc Scribner. Federal regulators’ failure to routinely update motor vehicle standards to keep…
The Washington Examiner
Congress in the Driver’s Seat on Self-Driving Cars
The Washington Examiner discusses self-driving cars with Marc Scribner. For auto manufacturers, technology experts, and lawmakers, 2018 is shaping up to be the year…
Congress Must Help Modernize Outdated Auto Safety Regulations
Congress should encourage safety regulators to more rapidly adopt modern standards developed by private professional organizations. …
News Release
Report: Auto Safety Lags Due to Outdated Government Standards
Motor vehicle safety should be a priority for Washington regulators, but regulators too often fail to update rules to stay current on the latest, best…