Fight Rages Over Fate of Deadwood And Timber Sales
How much wood should a woodcutter cut if a woodcutter could cut wood? That debate has been raging in the western United States for more…
December 2001 Edition of CEI Update
Full Document Available in PDF Articles in this edition: “The Two Faces of…
Under Seige: One Reason Our Military Readiness Is Down: We Won’t Let Them Train
As it prepares sailors, soldiers, and airmen to face enemies abroad, the U.S. military also finds itself under new pressure on the homefront.
October 2001 Edition of CEI Update
Full Document Available in PDF Articles in this edition: “Security vs. Civil Liberties”…
Zoned to Extinction: Overzealous Regulation May Soon Render Commercial Fishermen A Dying Breed
We’ve got water coming in!” the captain announced abruptly as he poked a flashlight through a torso-wide hatch to where the Detroit diesels fretfully thrumbled…
Jaws 5: Return Of The Commercial Shark Fishery
Paige Op-Ed In The National Post<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> This summer’s horrific shark attacks may be nothing more than blind…