
White House Wimps Out

The White House is now backing away from its threat to veto the pork-filled bills that would bail out government-backed mortgage giants…


$25 Billion for Fannie Mae Bailout

“The proposed government rescue of the nation’s two mortgage finance giants will appear on the federal budget as a $25 billion cost to taxpayers, the independent…


Judicial Elections: Good or Bad? It’s Not Clear

Historically, jurisdictions with judicial elections tended to be somewhat more anti-business than those that didn’t have judicial elections.  But in recent years, voters in some moderate and conservative…


Stadium Rip-Offs

Professor Ilya Somin explains how New York City taxpayers are being fleeced to pay for a new Yankee Stadium.  And the Washington Examiner describes…


Better to Drill Than To Spill

The Washington Examiner today pointed out on page 17 that thanks to advances in drilling technology, it’s now far safer to drill for oil off…


Affordable Housing Trust Boondoggle

Congressional mortgage bailout legislation would create a costly “affordable housing trust” that would spawn new slums at taxpayer expense, and enrich the politically-connected developers…


Europe Rethinks Deadly Ethanol Mandates

Since ethanol mandates cause deforestation and skyrocketing food prices, the European Union is now reconsidering its biofuel mandates.  Ethanol subsidies have many bad effects. …