Anti-SOPA Veterans Issue Declaration of Internet Freedom
From Timothy B. Lee’s article on ArsTechnica: But not everyone was enthusiastic about the declaration. Indeed, a coalition of right-of-center organizations promoted…
Obama’s Consumer Watchdog Gets Sued
From Suzy Khim’s post in The Washington Post‘s WonkBlog: The State National Bank of Big Spring, Tex., the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the…
Long Odds for Suit Challenging CFPB
From Mike Catalini’s post in The National Journal: The suit is being brought by State National Bank of Big Spring, Texas, a tiny…
Lawsuit Challenges Consumer Protection Bureau
From Jim Puzzanghera’s article in The Los Angeles Times: The suit was filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., by the…
Texas Bank to Take Lead in CFPB Lawsuit
From Rachel Witkowski’s article in American Banker: The State National Bank of Big Spring will file a lawsuit Thursday afternoon in the U.S.
Conservative Groups and Bank Challenge Consumer Bureau
From Maya Jackson Randall and Victoria McGrane’s article in The Wall Street Journal: The State National Bank of Big Spring, Texas, the Competitive…