Free the Economy Episode 5: Corporate Purpose and ESG with Russ Greene

Photo Credit: Getty

Welcome back to the Free the Economy podcast. In this week’s episode we talk about the economic and cultural impact of YouTube, Dominic Pino’s take on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s political agenda, Alfredo Ortiz on the problems with occupational licensing, and Alex Trembath and Sarah Constantin on the ongoing debate over gas stoves and health. Our interview this week is with Russell Greene, Senior Fellow at Stand Together, about stakeholder capitalism, the purpose of a corporation, and the influence of environmental, social and governance, or ESG, management theory.

Thanks to everyone for listening to and sharing the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s podcast. If you like the show, please leave us a review and follow us on Twitter. You can also find the video of our interview segments on YouTube. And remember that you can always find our detailed show notes with links to all of the stories we cover here on the blog.