
Greed v. Fire

People often denounce the profit motive as harsh and unfeeling. Only volunteer or government offered aid is supposedly offered with the sincere desire to help.


SCHIP Changes: No Improvement

The new SCHIP bill set for a vote today, attempts to woo Republicans by prohibiting illegal immigrants from enrolling in the program. These changes don’t…


Meat Market

A New York Times article today poses the question of whether or not regulatory oversight has been too lax on the meat packaging industry.


SCHIP Veto: No Victory

The upholding of Bush’s SCHIP veto is no big victory for spending control. As reported in Time magazine online on Wednesday, Bush wasn’t exactly…


SCHIP Building

Today the house is expected to vote to override President Bush’s veto of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program bill—which would increase the funding by…


Ivy League Shame

All you Columbia rejects out there dig out your “we regret to inform you” letters and plaque them up on the wall. Take it as…


Vanity Unfair

Julie’s post today included a link to the May ’07 Vanity Fair article focusing on CEI’s own Myron…


Beware the Little Children

I am always cautious when someone utilizes the “do it for the children” argument. Usually it signals a lack of rational justification and the necessity…


NASA: Dodging the Green Bullet

NASA announced last Friday that while searching for the reason foam separated from the space shuttle Endeavor during takeoff (tearing a 3-inch gash in the…