
CAFE klatsch

President Bush is set to address the nation this afternoon on plans to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil, reports the Greenwire news service.

Consumer Freedom


Gas Prices a-Go-Go No More

Speaking of gas prices, from Wisconsin comes a story that illustrates just how stupid government can be in trying to meddle with prices…


Will Sarko deliver?

One hopeful sign of the election of Nicolas Sarkozy as President of France is the expectations among many of his supporters, some of whom the…


Re: Sam’s the Man

While I agree with Richard’s observation “that most people who are skeptical of Wal-Mart’s business practices are entirely unaware of these hundreds of millions of…


The Latest from Chavezuela

It’s hard to believe this is even a question. The comments vary in opinion and quality, but one Venezuelan poster is worth quoting: The…


Now I wanna be a Stooge

Anyone who doubts that Americans are living longer and healthier need only see the Stooges, Michigan’s godfathers of punk, who, pushing 60…


Baptists and Bootleggers in the Tropics

Authoritarian thugs are often puritanical and self-righteous, and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez is earning his place in the pantheon of dictatorial killjoys, by limiting alcohol…


PLA = Union Ripoff

Today’s Washington Examiner features a very good editorial on the District of Columbia’s consideration of Public Labor Agreements in its proposed $2.3 billion…


Before Che, there was Leon

Slate features a great essay on Leon Trotsky by British critic Clive James, excerpted from his volume, Cultural Amnesia: Necessary Memories from History…