
Ag + You = $$$

Mining giant Barrick Gold has recently announced a fascinating challenge to would-be mining engineers of the world: if you can think up a new…


Play the Energy Game

Fans of Sid Meier’s classic video game Civilization are framiliar to the challenge of designing an entire society, God-like from above. Fans of energy…


Recent Studies Suggest Too Much

Wall Street Journal science columnist Robert Lee Hotz has a fascinating profile of epidemiologist John Ioannidis and his view that because of unacknowledged biases…


The Costs of Cap-and-Trade

Curve-aceous economist Arthur Laffer (and his colleague Wayne Winegarden) have a new study out this week, estimating the costs to the U.S. economy…


Jane Fonda: Climate Criminal

Shocking allegations, from the New York Times by way of Editor & Publisher: In their regular “Freakanomics” column which will appear in this Sunday’s…


David Thibault, RIP Editor-in-Chief David Thibault died today, after a long fight with cancer. Many of us here at CEI have worked closely with the reporters and…