Rep. Dave Brat’s Pro-Competitive Free to Fly Act Is a First Step in the Right Direction
The Free to Fly Act would eliminate a generations-old anti-competitive federal law governing domestic airline ownership.

Trump’s Infrastructure Plan: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
This morning, the White House released its long-anticipated, 53-page infrastructure proposal. It is an expansion of the leaked six-page summary that I commented…

Uber Wants to Make It Illegal to Operate Your Own Self-Driving Car in Cities
Beleaguered ridesourcing giant Uber has been criticized for a wide variety of sins, both real and imagined. But their biggest sin yet may be what…

More Misguided Conservative Criticism of the Passenger Facility Charge
Congress should free the hand of airports to finance improvements with user fees rather than relying on federal tax revenue.

#SOTU2018: All Eyes on Infrastructure
Despite the Trump administration’s misguided call for additional federal spending on infrastructure, there are some bright spots for free marketers in the administration's plan.

Congress Should Repeal ‘Sore Loser’ Trade Law
Supporters of free trade ought to pressure Congress to repeal executive authority to unilaterally impose protectionist trade sanctions. …

Where Are the President’s Surface Transportation Board Nominees?
Three seats currently sit empty on the Surface Transportation Board (STB) and the White House should move quickly to nominate cautious and judicious rail experts…

Congress Must Help Modernize Outdated Auto Safety Regulations
Congress should encourage safety regulators to more rapidly adopt modern standards developed by private professional organizations. …

Is There a Drone under Your Tree? Here’s the Current Status of Federal Regulation
No longer just the stuff of modern warfare, small drone aircraft are increasingly used in real estate, agriculture, infrastructure inspection, and search and rescue, to…

Two Cheers for Virginia’s I-66 Express Lanes
Virginia’s limited foray into uncapped variable tolling represents a fairer and more efficient way to manage traffic congestion and pay for surface transportation.
CEI Submits Comments on New Automated Driving System Federal Guidance
Today, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, joined by the R Street Institute, submitted comments to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in response to the…

How to Update Federal Auto Safety Rules to Conform to the Latest Technical Standards
Motor vehicle safety regulations in the United States frequently fail to incorporate the latest voluntary consensus standards developed by automotive technical experts.

Did Congress Stumble on a New Way to Modernize Auto Safety Rules?
The federal government has long recognized the virtues of adhering to consensus industry standards when regulating industrial activities, rather than attempting to invent technical standards…

V2V Mandate Nixed: DOT Ends Second Most Costly U.S. Regulatory Proposal
the U.S. Department of Transportation will not promulgate a costly new regulation, setting the stage for withdrawal of its notice of proposed rulemaking mandating new…

House Members Repeat False Claims about Passenger Facility Charges
The current Senate Transportation and Housing and Urban Development appropriations bill is a step forward on modernizing airport financing and governance in the U.S.

A Good START for Automated Vehicle Technology that Should Extend to Trucking
Last week, Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune (R-SD) and Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) introduced the American Vision for Safer Transportation Through Advancement of Revolutionary…

No Reason for Denying Puerto Rico a Jones Act Waiver
The Trump administration should immediately grant a Jones Act waiver to Puerto Rico and Congress should fully repeal the maritime cabotage prohibition.

CEI Offers Recommendations to Improve Senate’s AV START Act
The draft legislation is another welcome early step from the federal government on self-driving vehicles.

NHTSA Releases Improved Federal Automated Driving System Guidance
The Department of Transportation is putting its money where its mouth is in preventing overregulation of automated driving systems.

American Conservative Union Statement Wrong on Air Traffic Control Reform
Spinning off air traffic control responsibilities into a nongovernmental nonprofit will save taxpayers more than $10 billion per year.

CEI Leads Coalition Urging Senators to Preserve Railroad Deregulation
The Senate Commerce Committee leadership should respect the indisputable gains of deregulation.

SELF DRIVE Act to Face House Floor Vote
Congress needs to move forward on self-driving cars.
Conservative Air Traffic Control Reform Opponents Continue Campaign of Falsehoods
Recently, I noted how corporate jet lobby National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) had attempted to trot out “Hero of the Hudson” Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger…

Will Politicians Let Unsubsidized Bike Share Compete?
The problem with monopoly bike-share contracts is that they are designed to benefit everyone except consumers and taxpayers.

More on ‘Sully’ and Private Jet Air Traffic Control Subsidies
Despite his status in public life, Sully does not represent the interests of American air travelers and is out of step with current airline pilots,…

What Is the Future of Surface Transportation Finance and Governance?
The fuel tax is becoming an increasingly unstable source of dedicated user revenue.

‘Sully’ Wrong on Air Traffic Control Reform
We urge Sully to do his homework and to critically assess the false, anti-consumer claims he is parroting on behalf of the corporate jet lobby.

House Energy & Commerce Committee Considers Self-Driving Vehicle Legislation
This bill improves on the definition of “automated driving system” in a manner that likely ensures its constitutionality.

Senate Appropriations Committee to Consider Airport Fee Increase
The Senate Appropriations Committee will consider a provision that would increase the airport passenger facility charge cap from $4.50 to $8.
Does the Car of the Future Require a “Talking Car” Mandate?
The Competitive Enterprise Institute is hosting an event later today where a proposal to require all new cars in the United States come outfitted…