Smart Is As Smart Does
This picture accompanying this post is doing the rounds on the internet. The commentary normally reads: Below is a…
British Government Pays Lobbyists to Lobby It on Climate Change
More proof that government does things better! In traditional “astroturfing,” a company would pay a PR firm to set up a fake grassroots organization aimed…
The Right to a Green Job?
Demand for wind turbine blades in Europe has slipped, apparently, so a British company that makes them, Vestas, has plans to let go 625 workers…
America’s Worst Idea?
I’m very sorry to see that Ken Burns’ new film series is to be entitled The National Parks: America’s Best Idea. As I detail…
Lamar Smith on Cap and Tax
A good, short, succinct summary of why Rep Lamar Smith (R.-KY) voted against Cap-and-Tax. Hat-tip: The Chilling Effect [youtube: 285 234]…
Hybrid Owners Aren’t As Smug As They’re Painted
Very interesting, but of course unscientific*, poll of hybrid vehicle owners over at HybridCarBlog. It turns out that very few hybrid owners bought their…