Ambushed by the Unruh Act
California's Unruh Act is a trial lawyer's dream, and a nightmare for the rule of law. It has been interpreted to ban "discrimination" against customers…
Irrationality of Mandated Recycling
I’ve said it a million times: Recycling isn’t environmentally beneficial if it uses more resources than it saves. That is why many government-mandated recycling programs…
The Tragi-Comedy that is California Energy Policy
For the setting of this melodrama, we have California foolishly passing AB32 to reduce her greenhouse gas emissions 11 percent by 2010, 25 percent by…
Bong Hits 4 Jesus Fallout
Julie Hilden has an interesting column at Findlaw on the recent Supreme Court ruling upholding a teenager’s suspension for holding up a “Bong Hits…
Live Earth Tree Falls in Silent Forest
Well, Live Earth has been and gone like a tree falling in a forest with no one around: Just 22% said they followed news…
National Geographic Cover Story on Malaria
The July issue of National Geographic features an excellent cover story on malaria. It notes the importance of DDT, highlights many problems with relying…
222,623.63 Miles of Smug
Britain’s Daily Mail has estimated Al Gore’s Live Earth concerts’ environmental footprint, and calls the event “an exercise in hypocrisy on a grand scale.” A Daily Mail investigation…
Virtual Second Life = Libertarianism Is a Failure ??
What Insight Katrina Lends to the International Aid Industry
Lemonade Stands and the Free Market
Live Earth: Global warming has “jumped the shark”
This weekend, rock stars will jet around the world, cars and buses will clog traffic, and elaborate sound stages will be set up to burn…
Support for Big Government Grows
More Foreign Lawsuits Against Tobacco Companies
Back in 1998, in the Master Settlement Agreement, the big tobacco companies agreed to pay 46 states billions of dollars in perpetuity, supposedly to defray…
This does not compute
Gov. Rendell of PA is indignant because GOP legislators are calling his proposed “system benefits charge” or “fee” on electricity a TAX. The proposed…
Could it happen here? Probably not.
Recent media reports indicate that some the leading suspects in the recently attempted terror attacks against the U.K. were doctors working for the…
Racial Set-Asides Cost D.C. Taxpayers
Washington, D.C. has a minority set-aside program that results in taxpayers of all races paying hundreds of millions of dollars more in taxes to pay…
Price signals don’t lie
And today in Nigeria they bring some needed, and rare, good news in an otherwise dismal situation: The price of machetes has halved…
I Think I Hear Lee Greenwood in the Background
In the spirit of Independence Day Eve, we should all read Peter Hartlaub’s column in today’s San Francisco Chronicle, and admire its praise of…
Khosting on Fumes
Our old friend Vinod Khosla is back in the news, this time with something to show for his efforts: the world’s first commercial-scale…
By His Enemies Shall You Know Him?
Scooter Libby’s Sentence Commuted
Bush has just commuted Scooter Libby’s sentence, eliminating his prison sentence, while leaving his $250,000 fine intact. That is what I recommended here.
Sprawl: The Next DDT?
The Business and Media Institute reports that the greens are trying again to use the nation’s national symbol—the Bald Eagle—to undermine free-markets. The Bald…
California Loots Safe-Deposit Boxes for State Spending Spree
To finance mushrooming government spending, California is seizing as “abandoned” property the contents of bank safe-deposit boxes held by customers with currently active bank…
Tune into the Space Angels Network
Kerry Howley is covering the latest developments in private exploration in space exploration today over at Hit & Run. Also, the July/August ’07 issue…
But It’s Not Much Better Down South
More on Sicko
Do We Want Cuba and Burma Regulating our Naval Operations?
George Mason University Professor (and CEI Adjunct Scholar) Jeremy Rabkin has an important op-ed in the Washington Post today on that ole devil,…
Sicko’s Sick Stunt
MTV film critic Kurt Loder takes apart Michael Moore’s Sicko. The entire review is well worth reading, but here’s a sample, Loder on Moore’s…
The Hidden Costs of CAFE standards
Charles Krauthammer has an interesting column today on the perils and hidden costs of higher CAFE standards, which would order automakers to increase the…