
In-Flight Rent-Seeking

An article in this month's Infotech & Telecom News quotes me about proposed stimulus funding going to a in-flight broadband provider. My take: the company…


Happy Birthday, Carl Sagan

I'm a bit late on this, but Carl Sagan would have turned 75 on November 9. Some academics looked down on Sagan for pandering to…


The Partisan Deficit

The party in power has nothing to do with whether deficits are good or bad. Deficits are either a problem or they aren’t. Partisanship such…


New Trotsky Biography

Robert Service's new biography of Trotsky is reviewed in today's Wall Street Journal. Trotsky still has his admirers today. They need to answer for why…


Friday Fun: Brett Bowl II

Last Sunday's Packers-Vikings game was a big one. Check out my take on what the game means for Packer fans over at The American Spectator…