SCOTUS’s Illogical ADEC Opinion Roiling Clean Air Act Cooperative Federalism
If the EPA’s expert always receives deference, then the state is very much subject to “second guessing,” despite the fact that states have no less…
Joint Employer Standard an Obstacle to Job Creation and Entrepreneurship
Congress is working on legislation to address and clarify joint employment in a way that enables entrepreneurs to start businesses without regulatory roadblocks. …
Two Responses to Anonymous EPA Staffer Diary in New York Magazine
EPA employees work for the American people, not the Sierra Club.
EPA Chlorpyrifos Imbroglio Demonstrates Confounding Journalistic Themes
Confounding beliefs lead to cognitive dissonance for the modern progressive environmental reporter.
Finance Regulators Reject All Critiques, Plow Ahead with Arbitration Rule
CEI will continue to work to overturn the CFPB's arbitration rule and restore the ability of consumers to enter into arbitration agreements, saving them time…
Net Neutrality ‘Day of Action’ Endorses Government Power to Suppress Free Speech
This week's net neutrality “Day of Action” seeks to defend a regulatory regime that ultimately facilities the suppression of free speech by a federal agency:…