CEI: Reported Trump Administration Plan to Boost E-15 Would Be a Step Backwards

According to reports, the Trump Administration is set to announce a new policy intended to boost use of E-15, an ethanol-blended gasoline.
CEI Senior Fellow Marlo Lewis said:
“The corn lobby will be the only winner if EPA lifts the federal ban on sales of E-15 in summer driving season. E-15 can cause engine damage and void the warranties of millions of vehicles on the road. E-15’s inferior fuel economy will force motorists to fill up more often and get fewer miles to the gallon. Allowing E-15 sales in summer driving season is also unlawful under the plain language of section 211(h)(4) of the Clean Air Act. EPA got it right in its 2010 and 2011 rulemakings (76 FR 44433-35). An unlawful sop to the corn lobby at the expense of consumers is no way to drain the swamp. President Trump should reconsider this ill-advised move.”
CEI Senior Fellow Ben Lieberman said:
“The Trump Administration’s reported decision to facilitate greater use of E-15 ethanol is bad policy. There are many good reasons to repeal or substantially reform the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) rather than encourage greater use of E-15. This program was a bad idea when it was enacted more than a decade ago and the program’s performance over the years proves it. The economic, consumer, national security, and environmental justifications provided by its supporters have simply failed to materialize and this move by the Trump Administration would be a step backwards.”
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