Congress pressured to ditch cap on passenger fees for airports

The Hill reports on a coalition letter CEI signed which urges Congress to eliminate a cap on passenger fees for airports. 

Libertarian and good-government groups in D.C. are pushing Congress to eliminate a cap on the amount of money that airline passengers can be charged to help pay for airport improvements.

The groups said Wednesday Congress should lift the cap instead of increasing it, as airport groups have requested, as they are working on a new funding bill for the Federal Aviation Administration, noting they also support a controversial plan from House Republicans to separate air traffic control from the Federal Aviation Administration.

"To be truly transformational, however, Congress must not only remove the federal yoke from air traffic control, but should do the same when it comes to how airports are financed," the groups wrote in a letter to leaders of the House Transportation Committee.

The letter was signed by the Competitive Enterprise Institute; the Institute for Liberty; Council for Citizens Against Government Waste; Citizen Outreach; and the Independent Women's Forum.

Read the full article at The Hill