Fox News
Fighting Back: AGs ask judge to block climate change ‘fishing expedition’
Fox News discusses CEI's efforts to fight against the subpoena from Attorney General Claude Walker, which is an attack on the organizaiton's free speech. …
Washington Free Beacon
Think Tank Seeks Damages Over ‘Unlawful’ Climate Subpoena
The Washington Free Beacon reports on CEI's ask that a court fine Attorney General Claude Walker for violating their First Ammendment rights with a subpoena. …
Washington Times
Think tank asks court to fine Virgin Islands A.G. after he agrees to pull climate subpoena
Washington Times reports on CEI's announcment to ask a federal court to fine Attorney General Claude Walker for violating their First Ammendment rights with a…
Washington Examiner
Think tank asks court to fine Virgin Islands over climate subpoena
Washington Examiner reports on CEI's ask that the courts fine the attorney general of the U.S. Virgin Islands for violating their freedom of speech with…
The Hill
Overnight Energy: Labor rift opens over green mega-donor
The Hill reports on CEI's move to ask a judge to fine the attorney general of the U.S. Virgin Islands for requesting information from them through a subpoena.
Heartland Institute
Kent Lassman: CEI Subpoenaed on Climate Change Dissent
The Heartland Institute discusses the subpoena CEI recieved from an attorney general with Kent Lassman. In today's edition of The Heartland Daily Podcast,…