Daily Caller
Utah’s E-Cigarette Tax ‘Boggles The Mind’ And Could Prevent Smokers Quitting
The Daily Caller discusses the potential unintended consequences of Utah's push to raise the tax on e-cigarettes with Michelle Minton Raising the vaping age…
Washington Examiner
No Fun in Australia
The Washington Examiner features Michelle Minton's research on the regulatory burden in Australia as a warning to the US. Michelle Minton for the…
Washington Examiner
Congress should reject crony casino-ism
The Washington Examiner reports on CEI's work to oppose the "Restoration of America's Wire Act" (RAWA). Groups like the FreedomWorks, the Competitive…
The Heartland Institute
State Lawmakers Call Foul on Daily Fantasy Football
Heartland Institute discusses with Michelle Minton the impact of regulating and restricting fantasy sports betting. Michelle Minton, a consumer policy fellow at the…
The Blaze
Cronyism to Take Center Stage as Jason Chaffetz Sells out Constitution to Las Vegas Casino Ownder
The Blaze references Michelle Minton on the Wire Act's application to issues other than sports betting, for which it was intended. In 2011,…
Washington Free Beacon
Obamacare Regulations Target Breweries Making Craft Beer
The Washington Free Beacon discusses with Michelle Minton the impact Obamacare Regulations will have on restaurants and breweries. “It doesn’t make sense for…