The Washington Times
Trump ‘Least Regulatory’ President
The Washington Times discusses President Trump’s regulatory track record with Wayne Crews. “President Trump is the least regulatory president since Ronald Reagan. His administration has only proposed…
Beyond the Daily Drama and Twitter Battles, Trump Begins to Alter American Life
Reuters discusses President Trump’s regulatory rollback with Wayne Crews. Even without delivering on his biggest campaign promises, President Donald Trump has begun to…
98.5 Percent of Federal Crimes Never Approved by Congress
Newsmax cites 10,000 Commandments by Wayne Crews. There are congressionally approved laws against approximately 4,450 federal crimes. Overall, bureaucrats have approved regulations…
Washington Times
Real Progress in Regulatory Reform
Washington Times cites 10,000 Commandments. It’s true. A full seven months after President Trump’s inauguration and the convening of a new Congress, there…
The Hill
How Trump is Doing at Cutting Regs
The Hill discusses President Trump’s progress on cutting regulations with Wayne Crews. President Trump is making headway on at least one campaign promise:…
Washington Examiner
Shock: Bill for Regulations Higher than Taxes to Uncle Sam, $3.7T Total
The Washington Examiner discusses the Treasury’s record-breaking tax revenue with Wayne Crews. American taxpayers and corporations not only paid a combined record $1.85…