Coalition Letter Urging Congress to Reject Efforts to Impose Protectionist Barriers on Agricultural Imports

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U.S. Senate 

Washington, DC, 20510 

U.S. House of Representatives 

Washington, DC, 20515 

Dear Senators and Representatives, 

We, the undersigned organizations representing millions of taxpayers and consumers  across the nation, write to urge you to reject new efforts to impose protectionist barriers  on agricultural imports. These measures inflict enormous cost to both taxpayers and  consumers and are not supported by empirical evidence.  

Unfortunately, the International Trade Commission (ITC) has been weaponized by special  interests to hurt commodity importers. Domestic growers have pushed a series of  investigations into fruit and vegetable imports, alleging unfair practices and substantial  harm to their business as a result. 

However, these ITC investigations have not shown any evidence of that. An investigation  into blueberry imports came to the conclusion that blueberries are not causing serious  harm or even the threat of harm to domestic growers. The findings were upheld by a  unanimous vote of the commission. In fact, another investigation into squash and cucumber  imports found that imports from Mexico are actually needed to meet rising demand. 

Despite these clear findings, the politicized investigations continue and domestic growers – along with some of their allies in government – still push the debunked notion that these  imports unduly harm their operations. This is dangerous for the nation, especially at this  point in our history. 

The nation is currently feeling the effects of a global supply chain crisis. It is not uncommon  to find empty grocery store shelves. At the same time, we are also dealing with historic  levels of inflation that coincide with rising demand. All of this has combined to create  sparsely available commodities that are more expensive than they have ever been. 

In order to drive down prices and increase supply for American families trying to put food  on their tables, our elected officials need to be champions of free trade. Demand for some of  these products has increased by more than 20 percent. Meanwhile, domestic production  has decreased in many instances. Now is not the time to be going after importers that are  satisfying existing demands and keeping things affordable. 

Given the lack of evidence to support the notion that these imports are unfairly harming  domestic growers, any further barriers amount to corporate welfare policy. These growers  are already the beneficiaries of a number of policies designed to promote their 

commodities and economic wellbeing. They do not need extra insulation from external  competition, especially in the midst of an existing supply chain crisis. 

That is why we urge all members of Congress to resist the urge to impose any type of new  protectionist barriers on imports or the fresh produce market. Our system is built on free  enterprise and open competition. This competition serves to get quality products at  affordable prices to American families.


Taxpayers Protection Alliance

National Taxpayers Union

R Street Institute

60 Plus Association