CEI Joins Coalition Letter to SEC on Leveraged/Inverse Investment Vehicles
On November 25, 2019, the Commission re-proposed rule 18f-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, proposed new rule 15l-2 under the Securities Exchange Act…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter Supporting Revamping American Infrastructure Act of 2020
Dear Members of Congress: We write in strong support of the Revamping American Infrastructure Act of 2020 (H.R. 5571). The bill would order the Secretary…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter on FCC C-Band Proceeding
Dear Chairman Pai, and Commissioners O’Rielly, Rosenworcel, Carr, and Starks: We support the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) moving quickly to enable secondary market transactions in…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter on the L-Band
Dear Chairman Pai: We, the undersigned organizations, urge you to take decisive action to make additional mid-band spectrum available without delay. Such expansion will allow…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter on Surprise Billing
Dear Speaker Pelosi, Leader McConnell, Leader McCarthy, Leader Schumer, and Whip Scalise, The undersigned groups representing millions of taxpayers and consumers around the country urge…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Urging Finance Ministers to Oppose Global Digital Taxation
On behalf of billions of taxpayers and consumers around the globe, we, the undersigned, urge you to oppose international efforts to weaponize global conversations about…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter on Proposed Rule on Securing the ICTS Supply Chain
On behalf of the undersigned organizations, representing a diverse coalition of taxpayer and consumer advocacy groups, we write urging you to withdraw or significantly amend…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter on Fixed Drug Pricing
Dear Republican Members of the House and Senate, We represent fiscal conservatives and free market activists from across the country, and we are concerned about…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing PRO Act
Dear Member of Congress, We are writing in opposition to the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. Senator Patty Murray and Congressman Bobby Scott…
CEI Joins TPA Coalition Letter on Section 232
Dear Senator, On behalf of millions of taxpayers and consumers across the country, we, the undersigned, write to urge members of the Senate Finance Committee…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing Extension of Electric Vehicle Tax Credits
Dear Majority Leader McConnell, We, the undersigned organizations, write to object to any deal that extends, expands, or enlarges the electric vehicle tax credit…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter on SEC Decision RE Consolidated Audit Trail Database
Dear Chairman Clayton, We, the undersigned organizations, write today to express our grave concerns with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) decision to require broker-dealers…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter on Mid-Band Spectrum
Dear Chairman Pai: We, the undersigned organizations, urge you to take decisive action to make additional mid-band spectrum available without delay. Such expansion will allow…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter to the President on World Trade Organization Appellate Body
Dear Mr. President: The World Trade Organization (WTO) Appellate Body will cease to function on December 10 when terms of two of the remaining three…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter to House Republicans on NFIP Rates
Dear Minority Leader McCarthy, Minority Whip Scalise, and Ranking Member McHenry: Our organizations write in response to the recent letter from 64 members to…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing H.R. 397, Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions Act
Dear Senators and Representatives: The undersigned organizations urge Congress to reject H.R. 397 the Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions (Butch-Lewis) Act of 2019. Ultimately, this legislation…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter to Congress on STB Revenue Adequacy Hearing
Dear Chairmen Fischer and Lipinski, Ranking Members Duckworth and Crawford, and Members of the Subcommittees,…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing APEX Act
The undersigned, dedicated to promoting free markets, limited government, and constitutional principles, write to express serious concerns about a piece of legislation known as the…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing Pelosi Drug Tax Plan
Dear Members of Congress: We write in opposition to the prescription drug pricing bill offered by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that would impose an excise…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter Supporting H.R. 3791, modernization of the Passenger Facility Charge
We write today in support of the bipartisan effort to modernize the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC). The PFC is a local airport user fee that…
CEI Joins ALG Letter to FERC on PURPA Reform
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is responsible for ensuring economically efficient, safe, reliable, and secure energy for consumers. As part of that responsibility, FERC…
CEI Joins AEA Letter Opposing Renewable Fuel Standard Provisions
The undersigned write to object to several of the proposals under consideration regarding the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). It is time for the special favors…
CEI Joins Open Letter of Support for David Bernhardt’s Nomination as Interior Secretary
The undersigned organizations and individuals write to express our strong support for Acting Secretary David Bernhardt as nominee for Secretary of the Department of Interior…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter in Support of the Secure and Fair Enforcement Banking Act of 2019
We are heartened by the committee’s decision to host a hearing on challenges to cannabis banking. In particular, we have the hearing brings attention to…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter in in Support of FCC Actions on 621 of the Cable Act
We write in support of the draft Third Report and Order on the implementation of Section 621 of the Cable Act and urge its adoption…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter in Support of H.R. 3791, “Rebuilding America’s Airports Infrastructure Act”
Dear Chairmen DeFazio and Larsen and Ranking Members Graves and Graves: We write today in strong support of H.R. 3791, Investing in America: Rebuilding America’s…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter Opposing Raise the Wage Act
Dear Members of Congress: The undersigned organizations urge you to oppose the Raise the Wage Act (H.R. 582), which would set a $15 federal minimum…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter to Urge President Trump to Halt Regulatory Assault on Innovative Electronic Cigarette Industry
We urge you to immediately halt the Food and Drug Administration’s aggressive regulatory assault on businesses who sell and consumers who rely on less harmful…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter in Support of Section 230
Dear House and Senate Leadership, The undersigned groups believe that government should not be setting speech codes online or undermining free speech. The…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter to Oppose Federal Reserve’s Real-Time Gross Settlement System
We write to express strong opposition to the Federal Reserve’s consideration to operate a Real-Time Gross Settlement system and urge the Federal Reserve to reevaluate…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter to California Assembly on Risk Reduction and Market Signals
The undersigned organizations comprise free-market and taxpayer watchdog groups who write you in support of SB 290, which passed the state Senate in a unanimous…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter to Oppose a Federal Gas Tax
On behalf of our organizations and the millions of American individuals, families, and business owners they represent, we urge you to focus on comprehensive reforms…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter to Oppose Reauthorization of Export-Import Bank
CEI Leads Coalition Letter Supporting Blumenauer-McClintock Amendment on Legal Marijuana
Dear Speaker Pelosi, Leader Hoyer, Representative McCarthy, and Chairman Serrano: On behalf of the many of Americans whose views and values our organizations represent, we…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Supporting CAFE and Opposing Automakers’ Letter
We write you today to thank you and your administration for your strong stance on reforming federal fuel mandates contained in the Corporate Average Fuel…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing Carbon Tax
We oppose any carbon tax. A carbon tax raises the cost of heating your home in the winter and cooling your home in the summer. It…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing Foreign Reference Pricing Legislation
We write in opposition to proposals that import foreign price controls on medicines into the U.S. through international reference pricing.
CEI Joins Coalition Letter in Support of Confirming Mark Calabria to be Head of FHFA
View Full Document as PDF Dear Majority Leader McConnell, We write to express support of Dr. Mark Calabria’s nomination to be Director…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing Revival of Expired Tax Extenders
Dear Speaker Pelosi, Leader McConnell, Leader McCarthy, and Leader Schumer, Over 16 months ago, a package of temporary business tax breaks known as “tax extenders”…
CEI Joins Coalition to Congress: No Electric Vehicle Tax Credit Expansion
We, the undersigned organizations, write to object to any effort to expand the current electric vehicle tax credit. While the tax credit is misguided, at…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter to Congress Dispelling PFC Myths
Dear Members of Congress, We write to you today to dispel myths surrounding the airport passenger facility charge (PFC).
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing Reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank
Dear Members of Congress: On behalf of our groups and organizations, which collectively represent millions of Americans across all 50 states, we urge you to…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter to Department of Labor on Intermediate Bodies Rule
Dear Secretary Acosta: As free-market and conservative organizations concerned with protecting worker free choice and ensuring labor union officials are accountable to members, we urge…
CEI Leads Coalition Urging Members of Congress to Oppose H.R. 9, the Climate Action Now Act
The undersigned organizations strongly urge you to oppose H. R. 9, the Climate Action Now Act, which if enacted would reverse President Trump’s wise decision…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter to STB on Competitive Switching Rule
Dear Chairman Begeman, Vice Chairman Fuchs, and Member Oberman, We, the undersigned, wish to congratulate and welcome you to your appointments. The Surface Transportation Board…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Supporting DOT on California High-Speed Rail Funding
We, the undersigned organizations, representing millions of taxpayers nationwide, appreciate your leadership and support your efforts to de-obligate $929 million in federal grants not yet…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Regarding EB-5 Visa Program
CEI Leads Coalition Letter on Commission on Climate Security
Dear President Trump, The undersigned organizations and individuals write to express our strong support for the proposed President’s Commission on Climate Security. It is our…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter in Support of Volcker Rule Relief
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: As conservative and free-market organizations concerned with reducing red tape that is holding back American entrepreneurs, consumers, and investors, we urge…