Authored by Ben Sperry
When Violations Of The Law Have No Remedy: The Case Of Warrantless Wiretapping
- By: Ben Sperry
Yesterday, in Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation, Inc. v. Obama, a panel for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the federal government did not…
Amendment to Cybersecurity Act Would Deter Federal Government Privacy Abuses
- By: Ben Sperry
[caption id="attachment_58589" align="alignright" width="150"] Lord Acton's beard absolutely knows that power corrupts[/caption] In the ongoing debate over the Senate’s Cybersecurity Act of 2012 (…
Google and Antitrust: Economic Liberty in the Balance
- By: Ben Sperry
Way back when the DOJ brought an antitrust suit against Microsoft in 1990s, Milton Friedman had this to say to The Wall Street…