CEI Commends Rep. Issa’s Decision to Subpoena NLRB
Washington, D.C., August 8, 2011 — Today, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) subpoenaed the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for all documentation regarding the board’s complaint against Boeing. The NLRB had earlier drawn fire from Issa and other members of Congress for preventing Boeing from opening a new factory in a right-to-work state.
In a statement, Rep. Issa said: “NLRB’s action in the case against Boeing has the potential to create a job-killing precedent just as U.S. manufacturers are working toward economic recovery. […] As this matter could take years to resolve and create even more crippling uncertainty for job creators, it is imperative that Congress get complete facts about NLRB’s rationale and its decision making process in this matter without further delay.”
Labor policy analysts at the Competitive Enterprise Institute praised Issa’s actions.
Labor Policy Counsel Vincent Vernuccio said: “We applaud Rep. Issa’s decision to investigate the anti-business agenda of NLRB. The Acting General Counsel has avoided questions concerning his controversial actions for far too long. It is unfortunate that this agency has refused to cooperate with the people’s elected representatives forcing the Oversight Committee to issue this subpoena.”
Labor Policy Analyst Ivan Osorio said: “Having failed to get the card check bill through Congress, the Obama administration is trying to enact a pro-Big Labor agenda through the regulatory process. The NLRB’s unprecedented attempt to try to tell a company where it may locate a plant shows how far the administration is willing to go. Rep. Issa is to be commended for trying to bring some accountability to this rogue agency.”
Labor Policy Analyst Trey Kovacs added: “Rep. Darrell Issa continues to support government transparency and accountability. During a time of economic uncertainty, Rep. Issa has continued to fight the job-killing practices of the NLRB. Subpoenaing the NLRB should send another vote of confidence to the business community that DC bureaucrats do not have control over management.”