CEI Labor Policy Expert Vincent Vernuccio Wins Prestigious “Buckley Award”

Washington, D.C., September 27, 2011 – The Competitive Enterprise Institute is proud to announce that CEI Labor Policy Attorney F. Vincent Vernuccio is the recipient of the second annual Young Conservative Coalition’s “Buckley Award.”  The award will be presented on Thursday, September 29, 2011 in Washington, D.C., with guest speaker Kathryn Lopez, National Review, Online Editor.

The Young Conservatives Coalition has bestowed this special award on 5 young professional activists deemed to have made a significant contribution to the conservative movement.

According to the YCC, these awards recognize the unique contributions young conservatives play in the movement and will highlight their successes, while also honoring William F. Buckley Jr. – a conservative movement leader/icon who founded National Review and wrote God & Man at Yale all before the age of 30. Prior award winners include: Hannah Giles, Brendan Steinhauser, and Phil Kerpen.

“Vincent Vernuccio has distinguished himself, here at CEI and in the center-right movement, as a tenacious labor policy expert who keeps unfair labor union politics and policies in the public spotlight,” said Fred L. Smith, Jr., President.

What:              Young Conservative Coalition’s “Buckley Award” Ceremony

When:              Thursday, September 29, 2011

Where:             Capitol Hill Club, Washington, DC

Rsvp:               [email protected]

► About CEI Labor Policy Attorney F. Vincent Vernuccio

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