New EPA HFC Rule Bad News for Homeowners, Car Owners, Businesses
Citing climate change concerns, the EPA announced today a proposed rule curtailing production and consumption of a crucial chemical compound used for refrigerators, air conditioners, and other appliances: hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). CEI Senior Fellow Ben Lieberman criticized the move, predicting higher prices for consumers in exchange for scant environmental gains.
“EPA’s proposed rule targeting HFCs is bad news for the tens of millions of homeowners, car owners, and business owners with air conditioning and refrigeration systems that need them,” said Lieberman. Both repairs of existing equipment and the purchase price of new equipment will very likely rise.
“Even EPA estimates that HFCs currently contribute only 3 percent to current warming,” he noted.
Related analysis:
CEI Leads Coalition Letter Opposing Restriction of HFCs
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