Online Global Warming Resource Re-Launched
Contact:Richard Morrison, 202-331-2273
Washington, D.C., October 22, 2007—The Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Cooler Heads Coalition are launching a new, re-designed version of, the best destination online for information on the science, economics and politics of global warming. In the short time since the new site has been live, it has received nearly a quarter of a million page views and was recently featured in Time magazine as one of the top destinations for global warming-related web searches.
“We expect the new website will be an excellent resource for researchers and reporters,” said webmaster and CEI Energy Policy Analyst William Yeatman. “The material is also presented in a way that non-experts can feel comfortable with. Anyone with an interest in climate change can find material relevant to their needs.”
On the site, readers will find a lively group blog, links to recent news stories and notices of upcoming events as well as analysis and commentary by the Cooler Heads team of experts. In addition, visitors new to the issue can brush up on the basics with the “Global Warming Primer,” which provides lists of frequently asked questions under the headings of Economics, Public Debate and Science.
“At a time when many global warming activists are trying to sell the American people on a phony ‘consensus’ on the issue, a site like is especially important,” said CEI Director of Energy & Global Warming Policy and Cooler Heads Coalition Chairman Myron Ebell. “We’re proud to provide a place where people can discover an alternative to the global warming alarmists.”
The Cooler Heads Coalition is a group of 22 non-profit groups: the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution, Americans for Tax Reform, American Legislative Exchange Council, American Policy Center, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Fraser Institute (Canada), Freedom Works, Frontiers of Freedom, George C. Marshall Institute, Heartland Institute, Independent Institute, Istituto Bruno Leoni (Italy),, Lavoisier Group (Australia), Liberty Institute (India), National Center for Policy Analysis, National Center for Public Policy Research Pacific Research Institute, Seniors Coalition, 60 Plus Association, and the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council.