Senate Considers Disastrous Energy Policy
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Washington, D.C., May 1, 2007—Tomorrow senators will begin marking up energy legislation that will lead to higher prices on an array of goods and services and jeopardize the nation’s economic health.
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The Senate Committee on Commerce Science and Transportation is going to be considering several proposals relating to renewable energy and the alleged impacts of greenhouse gases on climate change. Elements of the legislation include expanded efficiency regulations for consumer appliances, an alternative fuels mandate and requirements for carbon capture and storage.
“Members of the Senate are poised to begin a disastrous course of raising prices for consumers,” said Competitive Enterprise Institute Director of Energy & Global Warming Policy Myron Ebell. “The biofuels mandate in particular will raise prices on farm products and energy which, in turns influence prices throughout the economy.”
Energy Expert Available for Interviews
Myron Ebell
Director of Energy Policy
Seen and heard on: The News Hour with Jim Lehrer (PBS), Hannity & Colmes (FNC), & Newsnight (BBC).
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