South Korean Scholar Joins CEI as Visiting Fellow

Washington, DC, April 26, 2001- Young-Shin Kim, a scholar with the Center for Free Enterprise in Seoul, South Korea, has joined the Competitive Enterprise Institute as a visiting fellow. The Center for Free Enterprise is a non-profit research foundation committed to advancing the principles of a free market, entrepreneurship, limited government, and individual liberty in South Korea. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />


At CEI, Mr. Kim is currently studying the implications of the California energy crisis and the attempts that both nations have made to create markets for electricity. At the same time that the lack of true deregulation in California has created blackouts across the state, South Korea is starting a more market-based plan, creating the Korea Power Exchange (KPX), a group of six competing suppliers.


“I’m excited by the opportunity to work and exchange ideas with the CEI staff,” said Young-Shin Kim. “I look forward to taking back a number of new ideas to share with my colleagues in Korea.”


The exchange with the Center for Free Enterprise is part of CEI’s long range goal of helping to build an international network of groups that support free markets and are committed to changing policy in their home countries to reflect their vision of a free, prosperous, and healthy world. Both CEI and CFE are charter members of the group International Consumers for Civil Society (ICCS), which promotes consumer choice, competition, and advances in technology that help the poor, especially those in developing countries.



CEI is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy group dedicated to the principles of free enterprise and limited government. For more information, please contact the media relations department at [email protected] or 202.331.1010.