What Every European Should Know about Global Warming

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Richard Morrison, 202.331.2273


<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Washington, D.C., July 20, 2005—With President Bush making headlines around the world for his administration’s policies on global warming, many observers have come to imagine two opposing camps in the global climate change debate – the American and the European. In a new policy brief published by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Senior Fellow Iain Murray gives our European friends a summary of the key issues in global warming policy today and clarifies some common misunderstandings. 


“Alarm over the prospect of the Earth warming is not warranted by the agreed science or economics of the issue,” writes Murray. “Global warming is happening and man is responsible for at least some of it.  Yet this does not mean that global warming will cause enough damage to the Earth and humanity to require drastic cuts in energy use, a policy that would have damaging consequences of its own.” 


“Moreover, science cannot answer questions that are at heart economic or political, such as whether the Kyoto Protocol is worthwhile,” Murray continued. “This paper summarizes current genuine issues in global warming research and seeks to set the record straight on scare stories that have been exaggerated by the media and vested interests such as environmental pressure groups.”


Read the full text of Iain’s Murray’s OnPoint policy brief, What Every European Should Know About Global Warming, online.


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