Tech Liberation
Does Wikileaks Have a First Amendment Case Against Joe Lieberman?
Amazon made headlines last week when it abruptly cut off service to Wikileaks, allegedly on the grounds that the site had violated Amazon’s terms of acceptable…
Tech Liberation
Five Ways Congress Can Fix COICA Copyright Bill
On November 18, the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved the “Combating Online Infringements and Counterfeits Act” (COICA). The bill would enable the U.S. Attorney General…
AOL News
Court Should Kill California’s Video Game Law
Free expression in the digital age faces a major test before the U.S. Supreme Court. Earlier this month, the court heard oral arguments debating the…
Look to the Marketplace for Stronger Privacy Protection
A series of recent high-profile privacy gaffes involving internet firms such as Google, Microsoft and Facebook has spurred a public outcry for stronger privacy…
Real Clear Markets
Clearing the Way for High-Tech Jobs
The U.S. economy may be growing again, albeit slowly. But employment rolls continue to languish. This frustrating state of affairs has left many Americans…
Seattle Times
U.S. Tech Firms’ China Presence Furthers Internet Freedom
On July 9, China renewed Google's license to operate in that country, leading critics to condemn the firm for acceding to China's oppressive policies. But…