World’s First Global Thermometer by Steven Milloy
As the Northern Hemisphere enters the summer season and natural global warming occurs, it’s a good time to consider the concept of global temperature—perhaps…
The Problem with the Voice over IP 911 Mandate
“Today the FCC adopted a rule requiring VoIP providers to provide emergency 911 calling services and they will have only 120…
PETA Gets to Your Kids, by Steven Milloy
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> Radical animal-rights activists may be the last…
If Wishes Were Horses, This Would Be the Kentucky Derby
GENEVA, Switzerland—The 58th World Health Assembly (the World Health Organization's policy-making body) under way here brings to mind the cliché about the contestants…
Air Sickness: Who’s to Blame? (Part 1)
Full document available in pdf format Business travelers, family visitors, tourists—all are affected by the airline industry’s woes. But who knows what…
Broken Promises, Hot Air
A hastily assembled special negotiation of the Kyoto Protocol begins this week in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Bonn, Germany, to…