Erin Bode: Quite a Cover Girl
As I listen to the light and bouncy voice of Erin Bode, the young singer being positioned by the boutique jazz label MaxJazz…
Dying for Regulatory Reform
Full article available in pdf format Congress has a long and ignoble history of exaggerated legislative responses to perceived health…
Risks in the Modern World: What Prospects for Rationality?
Risk refers to the likelihood that something will go wrong.[1] People naturally fear such mishaps, and risk aversion is a basic survival trait. Only non-survivors…
Global Tax; or Global Tax Reform?
Am I the only one who noticed that the Kyoto Protocol (imposing artificial constraints on energy use to regulate atmospheric carbon dioxide to…
Green War Gets Radical
This book is a reality check for those who still view the environmental movement through rose-tinted glasses. While it does not sketch the rise…
Science Goes Tabloid: In scientific journals, if it bleeds, it leads
In the United Kingdom, most of the respected broadsheet newspapers have cut costs and increased circulation by adding a tabloid edition. Some argue that…