The Mercantilist Fallacy
The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) is in trouble. It is so because Congress and the public have forgotten that imports are a…
Reagan’s Ghost: Liberal pundits miss the boat when talking tax reform.
In their attempt to strangle President Bush's tax-reform plan before it even reaches the cradle, liberal journalist-strategists have conjured up a strange political…
Vaccine Disease Protections Outweigh Side Effects
It’s quite unusual for me to write follow-up columns, but I had such an overwhelming response to my recent column…
Give Nestlé a Break
Generally, the European left has no love for big American financial firms. But some Swiss shareholder activists have embraced the U.S.’s largest proxy-advisory service in…
A Tremendously Costly Law
Early this year, an unusual full-page ad appeared in the Wall Street Journal and other financial newspapers. The ad attempted to refute claims from businessmen…
Nation Descends into Mercury Madness
Mercury is all over the news these days, which is appropriate for an element named after the messenger of the gods. At some Maryland high…