Kyoto Protocol Simply Wrong, Wrong, Wrong
The Kyoto Protocol on climate change, which comes into force this week, represents a massive act of folly by many of the…
Travesties of Regulation: Harmful U.N. policies.
Former Federal Reserve Board chairman Paul Volcker, who heads the inquiry into corruption in the United Nations' defunct oil-for-food program, has just issued…
One, Two, Many Broken Windows
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> Albert Einstein is often attributed with defining insanity as doing the same over…
New Agenda Fails to Address Problems
George Bernard Shaw once observed that: “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the…
The Bill That Wouldn’t Die
You may hear the creak of a coffin-lid today as the alarmists' favorite domestic energy suppression measure rises from the grave. This particularly…
Red & Green: Is the President Cutting Enough Environmental Fat?
If you believe the rhetoric from environmental activists about the Bush-administration budget, you would think that the world would come to an end if…