Bush a Piker at Manipulating Science, Compared to Clinton, Gore
The political silly season has spawned a flurry of attacks on the Bush administration for “politicizing science.” To be sure, some of the…
Down in the Dumps
When most people hear the words “illegal dumping,” they probably think of someone using somebody else's trash dumpster without permission. However, in the…
Time to Get Tough on Telecom Regulatory Reform
The FCC is not subject to any sort of mandatory “three strikes” law as are some criminals. But maybe there is justification for an equivalent…
Many Talents Needed for FDA Post
The departure of FDA Commissioner Mark McClellan leaves a high-level opening in the Bush administration for the right candidate. It's a hard job, but…
From the Pumps to the Polls
Does the high price of gasoline hurt Bush or Kerry? It hurts both of them.<?xml:namespace prefix = u1 /> <?xml:namespace prefix = o…
USDA and the Peterkin Papers
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's biotechnology regulations have been a shambles for more than fifteen years. Its compulsory case-by-case review and costly field…