The Wall Street Journal
What the SEC Needs to Hear on Climate Risk
There’s an infinite range of greenhouse-emission details that could fall under the SEC’s newly proposed climate-disclosure rules. No doubt the agency will cut that down…
New York Post
Eric Adams Needs to Expand Vaccine Exemptions to Everyone, Not Just Elites
Mayor Adams has exempted professional athletes and performers from the city’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private employers. This overdue and commendable action highlights the absurdity of…
National Review
Climate Change: The SEC Turns Up the Heat
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted 3–1 this week to propose new rules by which public companies would be required to disclose…
Inside Sources
Who NOT to Blame for High Gasoline Prices
Whenever the price at the pump increases, so does the finger-pointing, but much of the blame game over high gasoline prices is neither accurate nor…
SEC’s Climate Disclosure Rules Advance Biden’s Epic Whole-Of-Government Regulatory Agenda
“The President will advance his climate agenda using every tool at his disposal and can make significant progress in curbing emissions, growing our economy, and…
The Washington Examiner
Will Ukraine Invasion Spark Another Trans-Alaska Pipeline Moment?
Could Russia’s invasion of Ukraine convince the Biden administration to abandon its opposition to increased domestic oil and natural gas production? It seems doubtful, but…