Affordable Housing, Banning Bottled Water and National Security
Congress considers a housing bailout bill that includes provisions for more federal spending on “affordable” housing. The U.S. Conference of Mayors calls for a phased-in…
Air Travel Taxes, Illegal Produce and Hybrid Subsidies
Global warming taxes on airline travel mean fewer visitors to Amsterdam’s airport. European Union inspectors force a produce seller in the UK to throw out…
Credit Card Fines, Offshore Drilling and Mortgage Securities
Visa and MasterCard agree to pay American Express $4 billion for allegedly violating antitrust laws. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger slams proposals…
Gun Rights, the Fairness Doctrine and Internet Gambling
The Supreme Court strikes down the Washington, D.C. ban on handgun ownership. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announces support for the “Fairness Doctrine” in broadcast regulation.
Fingerprints, Obscenity and Foreign Investment
The Liberty Coalition releases an open letter opposing a new federal fingerprint registry. Free speech advocates challenge local obscenity standards in Florida as hypocritical. Investments…
Credit Cards, Tax Increases and George Carlin
The Federal Trade Commission sues a credit card issuer that lowered credit limits after profiling its customers’ purchases. Political observers predict significant tax increases in…
Fingerprints, Telecom Lawsuits and Al Gore’s Carbon Footprint
The Senate considers a bill creating a new federal fingerprint registry. The House of Representatives votes to shield telecom companies from lawsuits arising from the…
Drilling for Oil, Regulating Wall Street and Speaking Out On Unions
One million Americans sign a petition urging Congress to allow offshore drilling for oil and gas. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson calls for the Federal Reserve…
Offshore Oil Drilling, Fingerprint Requirements and the Impact of Clouds on Global Warming
President Bush urges Congress to overturn the federal ban on oil drilling off the shores of the U.S. Senators plan to vote on a housing…
Google, Ethanol and a Housing Trust Fund
Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) grills Google on consumer privacy concerns. Gas prices dip slightly from their record high. The Senate considers a housing “rescue” bill.
The Fairness Doctrine, Windfall Profits and Recycling Mandates
Lawmakers clash over FCC broadcast regulation known as the “Fairness Doctrine.” Prominent politicians debate a windfall profits tax for oil companies. European lawmakers pass stringent…
Spaniards Sue Greenpeace, Judge Orders His Salary Raised and New Hampshire’s Symbolic Initiative
Coastal residents in Spain threaten to sue Greenpeace after the group’s predictions of sea level rise from global warming cause local real estate prices to…
Cell Phone Fees, Energy Policy and Child Porn Online
The Federal Communications Commission holds a hearing to investigate “termination fees” for customers who cancel their cell phone, cable or Internet contracts early. Amid concerns…
Termination Fees, Windfall Profits and a Federal Wilderness Land-Grab
The Federal Communications Commission holds a hearing to investigate “termination fees” for customers who cancel their cell phone, cable or Internet contracts early. Senate Republicans…
Gas Prices, the Federal Reserve and Insurance Regulation
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) claims that the global warming legislation she recently endorsed would not result in an increase in gas prices. Federal Reserve Bank…
Gas Prices, Cafeteria Politics and Carbon Rationing
Average gas prices rise past $4 a gallon. Senators vote to turn their money-losing dining facilities over to management by…
Energy Legislation, Interest Rates and Futurism
The Senate prepares for a vote to end debate on major global warming legislation. The value of the dollar climbs slightly after the Federal Reserve…
Green Jobs, Eminent Domain and New Oil Refineries
A new report by unions and environmental groups predicts a rosy future for “green collar” jobs. The American Civil Liberties Union campaigns against reform of…
Time Warner, Energy Prices and Biofuels
Time Warner begins metering its customers’ Internet usage. The Senate continues debate on major global warming legislation. International officials debate the causes of soaring food…
Global Warming, Farm Protests and Homelessness
The Senate debates global warming legislation sponsored by Senators Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and John Warner (R-VA). The Argentinian government faces widespread protests from farmers. The…
Vaclav Klaus, Transportation and ExxonMobil
Czech President Vaclav Klaus’ new book on environmental policy questions the alleged “consensus” on global warming. Congress of Racial Equality Chairman Roy Innis likens current…
Environmentalism, Vioxx and Carbon Offsets
The Washington Examiner editorializes on how environmental policies expand the scope of government power. Merck wins two appeals in lawsuits related to its painkiller Vioxx.
Vaclav Klaus, Fingerprint Registration and Free Trade
The Competitive Enterprise Institute publishes a new book by Czech president Václav Klaus on the future of environmental policy. The Senate Banking Committee approves a…
Hurricanes, ISPs and Family Law
Weather forecasters predict between six and nine storms in this year’s Atlantic hurricane season. Congress considers legislation that would regulate how Internet service providers manage…
Gas Prices, Farm Subsidies and Vioxx Lawsuits
Oil company executives are grilled on high gas prices by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Congress prepares to override President Bush’s veto of the…
Beef, Housing and Money for the Blind
The Dept. of Agriculture proposes a ban on so-called “downer” cattle. The Senate Banking Committee approves a new housing bill. A federal court rules that…
Immigrant Intelligence, Hybrid Vehicles and the Cell Phone Pregnancy Scare
U.S. intelligence agencies seek help recruiting new immigrants as analysts and translators. Nissan to invest $115 million to mass produce batteries for electric and hybrid…
Farm Subsidies, Media Ownership and Global Warming
The Senate approves major farm legislation with a veto-proof majority. The Senate votes to override the FCC and make media ownership regulations more strict. Sen.
Gas Prices, DEA and Telephone Trends
The AAA reports that record high gas prices might soon begin to fall. CEI launches the “Politics of Pain” campaign to end harassment of pain…
Polar Bears, Subsidies for Millionaires and Credit Card Fees
The Department of the Interior finds that polar bears are “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act. The House of Representatives approves major new farm legislation.
Financial Markets, Internet Ads and Immigration
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke sees turmoil in financial markets easing. New York legislators consider a bill to restrict online advertising. The Manhattan Institute releases…
Ethanol, Broadband and Consumer Safety
Momentum builds in Congress to repeal the mandate for use of corn-based ethanol in motor fuels. Comcast considers capping monthly Internet downloads and charging overage…
Farm Subsidies, Chemicals in Plastic and High Gas Prices
The White House announces plans to veto the recently-passed $300 billion farm bill. Debate continues over the safety of plastic additive bisphenol A, or BPA.
Satellite Radio, Gas Prices and the Credit Crunch
Sirius and XM Satellite await final government approval of their merger. Average gas prices rise to a new record high, prompting accusations of price gouging.
Sugar Subsidies, Housing and Video Games
An agreement over major farm legislation appears increasingly unlikely. President Bush threatens to veto a Democrat-sponsored housing bill. Controversial video game Grand Theft Auto IV…
National ID Cards, Green Hypocrisy and Insurance Subsidies
The Cato Institute hosts a policy forum on proposals to create a de facto national ID card. The Daily Mail profiles the hypocrisy of jet-setting…
Net Neutrality, Poultry Wars and Disaster Insurance
The House Telecommunications and Internet Subcommittee holds a hearing on proposed rules for “net neutrality.” The European Union refuses to lift a ban on the…
A Cooler Climate, Microsoft Drops Yahoo and Farm Subsidies
A new study in the journal Nature predicts a cooler climate than previously thought. Microsoft drops its bid to acquire Yahoo. Reporters identify more than…
Climate Skeptics, Immigration and Interest Rates
CEI launches a new video series featuring experts who are skeptical of alarmist global warming predictions. Supporters of immigrant rights rally in several cities across…
The FCC Goes Local, Economic Woes and Gun Rights
Senators express concern over proposed FCC localism regulations. The U.S. economy avoids recession status with modest growth in the first quarter of 2008. A federal…
Polar Bears, Biofuels and Employment Discrimination
A federal judge orders the Department of the Interior to determine whether the polar bear is a threatened species. More than 100 million people are…
Online Privacy, Genetic Discrimination and Grand Theft Auto IV
Privacy advocates lobby for a “do-not-track” registry to regulate how online advertisers can target Internet users. The Senate passes the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act…
Baby Bottles, Union Conflicts and Credit Card Fees
Wal-Mart announces that it will stop selling baby bottles made with the chemical bisphenol A, or BPA. Members of the California Nurses Association and the…
Environmental Politics, Internet Gambling and Drug Imports
Regnery Publishing releases the new book The Really Inconvenient Truths: Seven Environmental Catastrophes Liberals Don't Want You to Know About--Because They Helped Cause Them. An…
Custody Disputes, Food Shortages and Taxi Cab Fares
Over 400 children seized from a polygamous sect in Texas are dispersed to group homes and shelters across the state. Zimbabwe, confronted with high food…
Deforestation, Internet Regulation and Green Buildings
Senators probe the relationship between climate change and forests. FCC Chairman Kevin Martin tells a congressional hearing that there is no need for new Internet…
Earth Day, Net Neutrality and Beef Exports
Environmentalists around the world celebrate the 38th anniversary of Earth Day, crediting with helping launch the modern environmental movement. Senators hear testimony on future Internet…
Biofuels, Natural Gas Prices and Farm Subsidies
Dramatically rising food prices are linked to the expanded use of biofuels. Natural gas prices in the U.S. rise 93% in eight months. Political wrangling…
Energy Security, Local Broadcasting and Grocery Bags
Politicians call for the U.S. to achieve “energy independence”. Members of Congress caution the Federal Communications Commission against a new wave of broadcast regulation. Officials…
Bush’s Climate Plan, Carcinogens in Plastic and Free Trade
President Bush outlines a new plan for national climate policy. A new study raises concerns about a connection between plastics and cancer. Democratic leaders in…
Judicial Salaries, Food Riots and the Olympic Torch
New York state judge Judith Kaye sues to have the salaries of state judges increased by 20%. The head of the International Monetary Fund warns…
Financial Regulations, Greenhouse Gases and Microsoft’s Bid for Yahoo
The Treasury Department’s “blueprint” for overhauling financial regulation faces strong opposition. State governments across the country pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. News Corp. considers…
Global Health Threats, Foreclosure Relief and Food Riots
Members of Congress hear testimony on whether global warming will become a threat to human health. Senators agree on a foreclosure relief plan for mortgage…
China Under Fire, Free Trade and High Gas Prices
Demonstrators disrupt the Olympic torch ceremony in Paris to protest China’s human rights record. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi objects to the U.S.-Colombia trade agreement negotiated…
Green Homes, Free Trade and Housing Discrimination
Multi-million dollar homes raise controversy for claiming “green” building credentials. Congress prepares to consider a new trade agreement with Colombia. An appeals court rules apartment…
The Exaflood, Mortgage Bailouts and Bear Stearns
Rising demand for bandwidth-intensive Internet applications threatens to swamp existing network capacity. The Senate considers a bill to “rescue” the U.S. housing market. Senators investigate…
Environmental Regulations, Legal Fees and Credit Markets
The White House plans to suspend federal environmental regulations to allow construction of a border fence between the U.S. and Mexico. A federal court orders…
Al Gore’s Ads, Cultural Diversity and the Farm Bill
Al Gore launches a $300 million ad campaign to promote his global warming agenda. The Maryland legislature moves to mandate “cultural diversity” programs at all…
The Fed, Biotech Crops and Mortgage Bailouts
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson officially announces a plan to reform oversight of financial markets. Research into genetically modified crops gets a boost in India. President…
Paulson’s Plan, International Competition and New Leadership at FTC
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson’s plan to reform oversight of financial markets sparks intense debate. U.S. capital markets lose ground to international competitors. President Bush appoints…
Sarbanes-Oxley, Cancer Drugs and Discrimination Law
The National Law Journal warns that penalties in the Sarbanes-Oxley accounting rules for public companies can extend to individuals and private entities. Drug maker Cephalon…
Recession, Trade and Home Ownership
White House advisors cite the slowing economy as part of their call for tighter regulation of mortgage lenders. U.S. exports…
Sarbanes-Oxley, Affordable Energy and the Nanny State
Interest Rates, Video Games and an Economist Debate
Investors expect the Federal Reserve to enact a rare full percentage point cut in interest rates. A federal appeals court rules that Minnesota cannot fine…
Gun Rights, Spitzer’s Legal Legacy and Economic Stimulus
The Supreme Court prepares to hear a challenge to Washington, D.C.’s city-wide ban on handguns. New York Governor Eliot Spitzer officially resigns from office today…
Bandwidth Flood, Ethanol Victims and Insurance Mandates
Politicians debate the possibility of requiring Americans to purchase health insurance. Ethanol mandates continue to raise prices on agricultural producers around the country. Internet experts…
Web Technology, Landfills and “Intellectual Blasphemy”
Healthcare, School Choice and Ballot Initiatives
Health care officials in Britain experiment with situating family health clinics in supermarkets. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vows to protect homeschool families after a state court…
Binge Drinking, Water Safety and Home Schooling
Global Warming, Hollywood Woes and Eco-Terrorism
The Supreme Court, William F. Buckley, Jr. and Bernanke on the Economy
Banned Products, Hybrid Cars and Discrimination Lawsuits
Issues in the News 1. POLITICS Virginia residents object to a law banning the sale of sangria, even in…
The Supreme Court, William F. Buckley, Jr. and Bernanke on the Economy
The Supreme Court-- pro business?…
CEI Daily Update
1. ENVIRONMENT CEI releases a new video contrasting increasing carbon dioxide levels with global temperatures. CEI Expert Available to Comment: Senior Fellow…
CEI Daily Update
Issues in the News 1. ECONOMY President Bush’s economic stimulus package gets mixed reviews. CEI Expert Available to Comment:…
CEI Daily Update
Issues in the News 1. ENVIRONMENT Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) pressures the Environmental Protection Agency to declare carbon dioxide a pollutant. CEI Expert Available…
CEI Daily Update
Issues in the News 1. HEALTHThe U.S. Department of Agriculture orders a recall of 143 million pounds of beef .CEI Expert…
CEI Daily Update
Issues in the News 1. INTERNATIONAL President Bush receives praise for public health aid from crowds on his trip to Africa. CEI Expert Available…
CEI Daily Update
Daily update for 02/14/08
CEI Daily Update
Cooler Heads Digest
Vol. VI, No. 24
Vol. VII, No. 1
Vol. VII, No. 12
Vol. VI, No. 10
Vol. VI, No. 7
Vol. IV, No. 12
Vol. IV, No. 20
Vol. IV, No. 24
Vol. IV, No.19
Vol. V, No. 10
Vol. V, No. 8
CEI Daily Update
CEI Daily Update
CEI Daily Update
CEI Daily Update
CEI Daily Update
CEI Daily Update