Shaking up the Conventional Wisdom on Salt
View Full Document as PDF The notion that if you eat too much salt you will have high blood pressure has been…
Soda Taxes: a Failed Experiment that Needs to End
Game Changer
Rather than enforcing subjective morality or trying to protect people from themselves, modern gambling regulation should treat citizens as adults and preserve the right of states…
Myths and Facts about the Wire Act
Full Document Available in PDF Myth: The 1961 Federal Wire was intended to ban all online gambling. Fact: At the time of…
Debunking Myths about Internet Gambling
Preventing states from legalizing and regulating online gambling would push American online gamblers back into the black market.
The Wire Act and Implications for State-Based Legalization of Internet Gambling
More than 30 years after the original Federal Wire Act, members of Congress seek to use it to stop the rise of casino-style gambling on…