Washington Examiner
Air Traffic Control Reform Is a No-Brainer
Air travelers expect air traffic control to work, and that it be out of sight and mind. Unfortunately, ongoing government failure to modernize the Federal…
The Regulatory Review
Constructively Improving Railroad Regulations
Edward R. Hamberger, President and CEO of the Association of American Railroads, mentions a piece by Fred Smith and Marc Scribner regarding regulations of the…
Bloomberg BNA
Trump Team Unlikely to Fight for NAFTA Worker Safety Rewrite
Bloomberg BNA discusses NAFTA with Marc Scribner Worker safety and labor advocates don’t see eye to eye with President Donald Trump on very…
Paul Molloy Show
AUDIO: Marc Scribner discusses air traffic control on the Paul Molloy Show
June 21, 2017 – CEI senior fellow Marc Scribner discusses air traffic control on the Paul Molloy Show. Listen here.
Senate, House Panels Unveil Dueling FAA Funding Bills
CEI Senior Fellow Marc Scribner discusses air traffic control reform with Law360: Supporters of an air traffic control overhaul say the House bill…
Congress Should Embrace Airport Financing Reforms
Today, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee held a markup on its Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill. The Senate Commerce Committee is considering…