New York’s School Principals Try to Flunk the Mayor
The problem with public sector unions is that they represent not just the workers for a government entity but also the elected leaders’ constituents. That…
Yes, Ridesharing Is Mainly a Part-Time Gig
The vast majority of people who drive for rideshare company Uber in California do so for less than 40 hours or less a week. That’s…
National Review
The Notorious RBG’s Turf War with Congress
Department of Labor Proposes New Rule Protecting the Right To Be a Gig Worker
Reason cites research fellow Sean Higgins on California’s AB5 rule: The new rule “is definitely a reaction” to the California law, says Sean Higgins, a research…
National Review
The Notorious RBG’s Turf War with Congress
Reexamining Justice Ginsburg’s dissent in Ledbetter makes the deep flaws in her approach to the law clear. The late Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg…
Labor Department Trying to Rewrite Definition of “Employer”
In the credit where credit is due department, the Trump administration deserves a cheer for attempting to save an emerging part of the economy: gig…