
Free Kareem Rally in DC

Groups of people will be gathering in cities around the world today to protest the unjust imprisonment of Egyptian blogger Kareem Amer. In case…


The Latest from Chavezuela

It’s hard to believe this is even a question. The comments vary in opinion and quality, but one Venezuelan poster is worth quoting: The…


CEI Alumnus Superstar

Former Warren Brookes Journalism Fellow Tim Carney has distinguished himself yet again, this time with a fancy book award. He’s the winner of the…


I Do

Surfing around, I just came upon AT&T’s “You Will” advertising campaign from the early 1990s. The ads are well-produced and, almost fifteen years after…

Tech and Telecom


Capitalizing on Patriotism

Finally, I’ve received some unsolicited commercial email that has nothing to do with Section 419 or natural male enhancement. The flag-waving proprietors of…


In search of “dystopia”

Last weekend, as the Nor’easter pelted the area, we curled up in front of a fire and watched Blade Runner — Director’s Cut. Hadn’t…