
Capitalizing on Patriotism

Finally, I’ve received some unsolicited commercial email that has nothing to do with Section 419 or natural male enhancement. The flag-waving proprietors of…


The Great Global Warming Swindle

Martin Durkin brings us the documentary answer to global warming alarmism – recently broadcast in the UK. Enjoy: [googlevideo]9005566792811497638[/googlevideo] UPDATE: The Telegraph has a story…


The Internet Never Forgets

Former CEI research associate Achim Schmillen has a great op-ed today in the Detroit News on proposed new “data retention” regulations: Do you remember every…


Broken Like the Wind

I received a press release this morning from Wind Watch, a group dedicated to opposing the menace of the wind. With windchill-adjusted temperatures in…


Take That, James Patterson

It has been brought to my attention that Open Market’s own Chris Horner is currently bounding up the Amazon bestseller list with his new book,…