Medicare Proposal Could be a Real Killer
Medicare is speeding toward insolvency , and only major fundamental changes can save it. But beware the “tweakers” — those who say that little things…
Appeal bond struck down
Imagine our surprise when we checked the docket in the Bachman case in late July (after checking it weekly since we filed our appeal) and…
National Security Risks of Biofuel Mandates — Corrected*
Those amazing Idsos who run the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change review a paper recently published in AMBIO: A Journal…
Fret Over Smoking on “Mad Men”?
“Desperate Housewives” star Kathryn Joosten made a bit of news this week complaining about cigarette smoking portrayed on AMC’s hit TV series “Mad…
Regulation of the Day 149: Sliced Bagels
In New York State, sliced bagels cost 8 cents more than unsliced bagels.
Sugar in the News Again
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s September 2010 issue of its magazine, “Amber Waves,” has an excellent article on the U.S. domestic sugar program –…
Hype About Lobsters and BPA: Here We Go Again!
A series of articles and blogposts now warn that the chemical Bisphenol A–used to make hard clear plastics–is wreaking havoc on lobsters in the Long…
Biofuels and Tax Expenditures
One of the claims that the renewable energy groups continue to make, as their tax credits approach the chopping block, is that the U.S. is…
GM IPO Buyers Beware: Filing Asserts Exemption from Anti-fraud Laws
General Motors filed paperwork last week to launch its much-anticipated initial public offering. It could be the biggest IPO in U.S. history, raising up to $20 billion,…
Bed Bugs Bite Liberals: Will They Call for DDT?
As bed bugs gnaw on liberal reporters at CNN, perhaps there is a chance some will reconsider their views of DDT. CNN offices apparently…
CEI Weekly: The Union Pension Bailout
CEI Weekly is a compilation of articles and blogs from CEI's staff. This week features Vincent Vernuccio's appearance on Fox Business to discuss the multi-billion-dollar…
Video: The Open Internet and Lessons from the Ma Bell Era
Earlier this week, The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart summed up the debate over net neutrality by stating, “On one side [are] those who want…
When TSA Agents Attack
For most people, the TSA is merely an annoyance. For Kathy Parker, it was something far more serious.
Privacy Isn’t Dead, It’s Evolving
Recent revelations about Microsoft’s internal debate over Internet Explorer’s handling of tracking cookies, as chronicled by The Wall Street Journal earlier this month, have…
Republicans Should Favor Privatization of Liquor Sales
A Full-Court Press on Trade? Not Likely
Today’s Washington Times has a lengthy article on the Obama Administration’s trade agenda vis-à-vis the stalled free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and…
Regulation of the Day 148: Cutting Grass in Cemeteries
In the world of regulation, no good deed goes unpunished.
Political Pessimism, Human Optimism
If you're despairing over the state of the world, the data are a wonderful cure for pessimism.
The Ethanol Industry and Competition
Growth Energy, an ethanol trade group, released a blog post yesterday titled “In An Open Market, All Fuels Can Compete.” The…
A “Chickening Out” Lesson
Regulation of the Day 147: Breathing Fire
Jimmy’s Old Town Tavern in Herndon, Virginia has fire-breathing bartenders. Two of them are facing 45 years in prison for fire code violations.
Is GOP Opposition to Cap-and-Trade Self-Contradictory?
Betsy Moler of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership and Phil Sharp of Resources for the Future would like Republicans to think so. After all, if…
Mexico’s Retaliation — A Good Idea?
Cato’s Dan Ikenson posted today in favor of the trade retaliation measures announced by Mexico in response to the U.S. refusal to open its…
Federal Register Hits 50,000 Pages
And it's on pace to hit a near-record 80,447 pages.
Fannie-Freddie White House Sham Summit Produces Short-Sighted Solutions
After ramming through a “financial reform” bill that increases government controls on such “ants” (hat tip to House Minority Leader John Boehner’s comments–distorted by the press–in full context) as orthodontists…
Radical Capitalism: A Noble Experiment We Ought to Try
Earlier this month, Bloomberg published an article by Boston University economist Larry Kotlikoff in which he declared that the U.S. was bankrupt and headed…
Against derivative shareholder strike suits: Sears Holding Corporation, Robert F. Booth Trust v. Crowley
In the 1998 case of Felzen v. Andreas, the Seventh Circuit suggested that it was looking for an opportunity to take action against derivative…
BlueGreen Alliance Forgets their Aristophanes
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) mothballed cap-and-trade legislation when it became apparent that he could not muster the three-fifths super-majority required to end a…
Court rejects settlement in Costco fuel case
Today’s a busy day (there were filings in three different pending objections and appeals, two of them by us), but we’ll have to postpone discussion…
Primer on Extreme Weather Mortality
The indomitable Indur Goklany — “Goks” to his friends — has just posted a primer on extreme weather-related mortality entitled, Global Death Toll From Extreme…